Thursday, August 31, 2006

The Pogi Man Strikes Again

Reyna Elena and Constantino
I did it again. The Pogi Man came out to draw attention to himself again. I should have know better. I should have learnt my lesson from the wedding. If I wear a barong something will happen. But I didn’t learn my lesson. I accepted the invitation to join the Santacruzan parade in Lapaz, Tarlac. My land lady asked me to do her a favour and be an “escort” at the Santacruzan parade she was hosting in her home town of Lapaz, Tarlac. I told her that I didn’t want the attention, but that I would help her out. So with my barong and black pants packed I set off for the province with the rest of the family. It was a good opportunity to practice my Tagalog and see another area of the country as well as experience some more Filipino culture. But little did I realize that I would be the star of the show. When I arrived I found out that I was to be “Constantino”. The history of the Santacruzan is a bit sketchy in my mind now, but it revolves around two characters Reyna Elena and her son Constantino. Despite the historical significance and meaning, it is now a beauty parade for most of the young people of the town. The most beautiful young girl and most handsome young guy play the role of Reyna Elena and Constantino. There are many other female characters involves as well like Miss May and Miss Mystica. I thought I was just going to be accompanying one of the girls as we walk through the streets of the town, but I ended up being the main man. And to top it off I ended up being twice the age of a girl who was supposed to be my mother if we follow the history. Oh well, it was special to them so I just played along. I walked through the town (at least a couple of kms), smiling and waving at the crowds that lined the streets. It was an embarrassing experience, but one that taught me a lot about Pilipino culture.


Blogger E. S. de Montemayor said...

good for you.... you became an instant celebrity in a span of an afternoon!

reyna elena = St. Helena
Constantino = Emperor Constantine

the whole thing is about the search for the Holy Cross in Jerusalem by Constantine's mother, St. Helena.

7:56 pm  
Blogger abella said...

well ltb, at least you qualified to be among the "handsomes" and even became the main man. it has become an unforgetable experience eventually. you look great in your barong though.

9:57 pm  

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